Saturday, June 26, 2010

Quickies and random thoughts...

- The new marketing bandwagon of using talking animals, animals driving cars, animals rapping... I hate it. Really.

- Not sure WTF I was thinking when I made this class schedule for an inventory management certification and a prep class for the CPA at the same time. Free time? What is that?

- I'm moving in 2 weeks and I have not packed a single thing. Not cute.

- little Mr. Aries is here for the summer. My ear is being talked off. He has an opinion about every single freakin thing that exists on the planet. I appreciate that, really. But might not want to hear about it for 9 hours straight. Take a nap. Take a break. Go to bed early. /step parent of the year

- I need to drink more water. I've been really thirsty lately. I need a facial. I need a massage. I need something other than rum & coke for lunch.

- The new i.Phone. has been looking at me. I keeping telling it to go away, but it wants to lurk around me. Go away! I'm sticking with my berry, so *sign of the cross*


1 comment:

  1. The iPhone is your friend and give the kid the rum & coke lunch. That'll help him nap! lol
